Rouleau de convoyeur à bande sont des éléments importants de la belt conveyors, there are many types and large quantities. It accounts for 35% of the total cost of a belt conveyor and produces more than 70% of the resistance, so the quality of the roller is particularly important.
Les rouleaux de convoyeur sont constitués de plusieurs pièces : boîtier, arbre, palier, joints et boutons-pression. Nos rouleaux mécaniques pour convoyeurs se caractérisent par une structure unique, des composants fiables, un assemblage précis, une capacité élevée et une longue durée de vie.
The primary function of the rollers is to support the weight of the conveyor belt and its load. They must be flexible and dependable. Rollers help reduce belt running resistance and maintain the verticality of the belt, ensuring smooth operation. Reducing friction between the conveyor belt and the rollers is vital for extending the belt's lifespan, which constitutes over 25% of the total conveyor cost.
Bac à trois rouleaux
This standard idler design is commonly used in most heavy-duty conveyor applications. Darko manufacturer make the rollers from steel and often coat them with multiple layers of specific paint, rubber, or other anti-corrosive materials.
Les rouleaux peuvent être en acier, recouverts de plusieurs couches d'une spécification particulière de peinture, ou recouverts de caoutchouc ou d'autres matériaux anti-corrosifs.
Série de rouleaux et applications
These rollers are particularly suited for conveyors operating in challenging conditions, where working loads are high and large lump sizes are conveyed. Despite these demands, they require minimal maintenance. Typical applications include mines, ciment les centrales électriques au charbon et les installations portuaires.
The roller sealing system effectively addresses environmental challenges such as poussière, dirt, water, and extreme temperatures. Standard greased components function well within a temperature range of -20°C to +100°C. For applications outside this range, special grease, bearings, and seals can be used.