The boiler bag dust collector uses a dual-stage combined dust removal unit. This unit consists of a flame arrester and a bag dust collection system. It features high-performance PPS filter material for the filter bags. The flame arrester is installed before the bags. The system employs split-flow, smooth airflow technology. As a result, it offers reliable operation, high dust collection efficiency, easy operation, and compliant emissions.
Boilers generate steam for processing plants, centrais eléctricas, and various other industries. They can use natural gas, electricity, oil, solid fuels, liquefied petroleum gas, or renewable energy to produce steam. Among these fuels, solid fuels are the cheapest, most polluting, and most widely used.
To control emissions from wood, coal, and lignite boilers, bag filters are essential. These pollution control systems limit the discharge of suspended particulate matter. If sulfur-containing gases are also a concern, a venturi wet scrubber should be combined with the boiler bag filter.
Darko manufactures high-quality boiler bag filters and supplies them globally. Our customer-centric approach makes us one of the most popular suppliers. As a reliable manufacturer, we provide high-quality bag filters for boilers.
Working Principle of Darko Boiler Bag Dust Collector
Dust-laden gas enters the unit through the inlet duct. The larger dust particles separate in the hopper and fall directly into it. The remaining dust flows with the gas into the filter chamber. Clean gas passes through the filter bags and is then discharged via the upper chamber, lift valve, and exhaust pipe. As filtration continues, dust accumulates on the surface of the filter bags. The dust cleaning control device follows a set program. It closes the lift valve and opens the electromagnetic pulse valve to shake off the dust from the bags. The dust falls into the hopper and is discharged through the ash discharge valve.
Application Areas of Darko Boiler Bag Filters
Darko boiler bag filters are widely used for dust control in cement plants and non-metallic mineral powder processing. They also show great promise in the power, chemical, metallurgy, and steel industries.
- Industrial and heating coal-fired boilers, heavy oil boilers.
- Dry and wet cement rotary kilns, vertical kilns, raw material and clinker mills.
- Sintering of copper, lead, and zinc, copper smelting furnaces, electric arc furnaces, and reflecting furnaces.
- Iron ore sinter machines (head and tail), blast furnaces, open hearth furnaces, coke ovens, converters, electric arc furnaces, and the refractory materials industry.
Components of the Darko Boiler Bag Dust Collector System
The boiler bag dust collector consists of the bag dust collector body, protection system, compressed air system (including air tanks, oil-water separators, and piping), and control system (including instruments, PLC cabinets, MCC cabinets, and field operation cabinets).
- Housing:The housing includes the upper chamber (clean air chamber), middle chamber (filter chamber), lower chamber (hopper), flue gas distributor, perforated plate, platform, ladder, support legs, inlet, outlet, insulation layer, and color steel plates.
- Filter Bag Composition:The filter bag features a frame, fabric, and a self-locking design for easy installation and replacement. This design effectively extends the filter bag's lifespan. The bag specifications include: Ø130×2450 mm, Ø130×6000 mm, Ø160×6000 mm, using polyester needle felt (imported PPS/PPS 504CS17, treated for waterproof and oil resistance).
- Heat Distribution Device:The system uses upward airflow design for the flue gas distribution device. This design effectively distributes the dust-laden gas and separates larger particles, preventing abrasive impacts on the filter bags. This further enhances dust collection efficiency and extends the filter bag's lifespan.
- Pulse jet system:It composes of recoil air box, electromagnetic pulse valve, pressure joint, nozzle pipe, bracket, etc. The specifications below GDM-5.6 are for whole box cleaning, and the other specifications have a compressed air nozzle pipe on the top of each filter bag. During operation, the system typically performs pulse backwash cleaning every 10 seconds for each row of filter bags. The system activates the electromagnetic valve at a fixed time. Then it sprays pulse backwash compressed air into the filter bag for cleaning.
- The ash discharge system:É composto por um vibrador elétrico (canhão de ar), um aquecedor elétrico e um indicador do nível de cinzas. O vibrador elétrico (canhão de ar) garante uma boa fluidez do pó.
- The control system:O sistema é composto por vários componentes. Inclui um controlador de jato de impulsos e um armário de controlo informático MC. Possui também um termómetro de resistência térmica, um ponto de medição de pressão estática e um indicador de nível de material. Além disso, contém um elemento de medição.
- Offline protection system: Existem vários componentes principais da filtragem da caldeira. Estes incluem uma válvula de derivação, um sistema de pulverização de água de emergência e um dispositivo de pressão diferencial. Também possui um medidor de nível de material, um termómetro e um dispositivo de deteção de pressão. Além disso, o sistema inclui um controlador de impulsos e um dispositivo de deteção de fugas no saco do filtro.
Caraterísticas técnicas
① Tecnologia de aplicação de material de filtro resistente a altas temperaturas:
O sistema de filtro de saco da caldeira combina as caraterísticas do gás de combustão da caldeira a carvão do meu país. Utiliza material de filtro de caldeira económico, de alta temperatura e resistente à corrosão. A fibra é tratada com uma membrana de PTFE. Esta abordagem resolve o problema das altas temperaturas dos gases de combustão que os materiais de filtragem comuns não conseguem suportar. Também aborda a curta vida útil dos materiais de filtragem comuns. Além disso, tem em conta a relação preço/desempenho do material filtrante.
② Tecnologia de manutenção offline:
A aplicação da nova tecnologia de válvulas de elevação permite a função de manutenção ininterrupta do filtro de mangas. Os utilizadores podem selecionar à vontade entre os métodos de limpeza offline e online. O dispositivo de proteção da válvula de elevação elimina as falhas causadas por problemas na válvula de elevação. Isto garante que o filtro de mangas não afectará o funcionamento da caldeira.
③Tecnologia de proteção do filtro de saco:
A utilização de equipamento de deteção em linha aborda questões específicas de proteção do filtro de mangas. Este equipamento inclui um sistema de bypass externo e ferramentas de medição de temperatura e humidade. Resolve o problema de proteção quando a caldeira adiciona óleo para auxiliar a combustão e durante as falhas da caldeira.
④Tecnologia de deteção e monitorização:
Based on the usage characteristics of the boiler bag dust collector, we established an online detection and monitoring system. This system includes monitoring flue gas temperature, humidity, collector operating pressure, material level detection, and equipment fault detection. It completes all functions such as measurement, monitoring, control, alarm, protection, and interlocking for the bag dust collector, enabling real-time monitoring of its operation.
⑤PLC Programmable Controller Technology
We utilize Siemens PLC products in our system. The PLC features a communication interface with the DCS, allowing for both manual and automatic control of the bag dust collector.
⑥Equipment Resistance Control
Darko ensures the safety and reliability of the overall resistance of the bag dust collector. We achieve this through a series of unique considerations in the equipment design. This assurance comes from two aspects: the equipment structure and the filter material.
The application of these advanced technologies makes our bag dust collectors technically mature and offers excellent cost-effectiveness.